
EVDS provides dashboard solutions and enhanced data visualisation for clients globally. We have worked extensively across industries as diverse as events, cyber security and private equity investment and due diligence. Below we set out some examples of our work: Events We have worked at some of the biggest events in the world to help the organisers really understand what is going on at their events, and to allow them to make interventions and adjustments 'in flight'. We provide a real time, multi source, browser based event dashboard that supports return on investment decision making.   roi-dashboard Any data source can be integrated, either through bespoke API development or through deployment of existing APIs developed to work with major data platforms (for example Visit by GES). This includes the integration of data from event deployed Bluetooth beacons and Wi-Fi tracking sensors. Private equity decision making Insight is a data driven solution designed to give short, medium and long term visibility of public sector contract opportunities. It sources data from over 100 public sector pan European tender portals, with a core database containing over 100mil historical records and in excess of 100,000 updates per month. It provides analysis of tenders put to market for all public sector bodies (by sector, by entity, by client) and market share analysis. Information and layout can be personalised to suit the needs and focus of the client, due to the modular build of the dashboard. Insight allows data driven investment decisions and relationship building, and supports existing market protection and new market penetration.     insight-dashboard Cyber Security EVDS is at the cutting edge of Cyber Security deliver, working with multiple suppliers to enable the delivery of both productised and bespoke dashboards. These innovative, multi-lingual and flexible dashboards enable c-level understanding of the state of the enterprise. We deliver a one stop view of  the security of an entire organisation, showing multiple security products in parallel across regions, and even departments. The Dashboard is modular - each unique display can be fed from either one or multiple security suppliers and thus each organisation has its own purpose built console. In addition information from multiple suppliers can be enhanced by being integrated on the display level so an individual reading can contain multiple source data. qbic gw